Catalog 2022-2023

The Dental Hygiene Programs

Degree Completion Baccalaureate Program

Degree Completion Baccalaureate Program

Degree Completion Baccalaureate Program

The degree completion program provides the opportunity for registered dental hygienists who hold a certificate or associate degree to pursue studies leading to a Bachelor of Science degree in dental hygiene.

Program Requirements

Transfer credits consist of the student’s previous dental hygiene courses and general course requirements, totaling 90 semester credits. General course transfer credits are granted for the baccalaureate degree taken at any regionally accredited U.S. or Canadian colleges or universities. Students must be a graduate of a dental hygiene program of a college or university that is regionally accredited and also accredited by the ADA Commission on Dental Accreditation.  The courses required are the same as those listed in the Pre-Professional Program freshman and sophomore years, except only one chemistry and one anatomy/physiology course is required. To be granted as transfer credits, students must attain a grade of C or better in all courses. Consultation with the degree completion program director regarding transfer courses is recommended.

Degree Completion Requirements. Thirty credits of institutional coursework at the University of Maryland are completed while in the dental hygiene degree completion program after matriculation of the specific 90 transfer credits. The degree completion program at the School of Dentistry consists of senior level didactic courses, totaling 10 credit hours (DHYG 412, DHYG 414, DHYG 416, DHYG 425, DHYG 427; 6* credit hours of practicum courses (DHYG 418 and DHYG 428) and a 2* credit DHYG 328B anesthesia and sedation course (for student not previously holding permits to administer local anesthesia and nitrous oxide at the time of application; and 12 credit hours of approved academic electives, generally taken at another campus of the University of Maryland. 

Curriculum Planning

Registered dental hygienists should submit to the degree completion program director transcripts from their dental hygiene program and all other institutions attended, so that transfer credits may be evaluated and a program developed to satisfy remaining requirements. Students should meet regularly with the advisor to ensure appropriate course scheduling.

Application and Admission Procedures

In addition to meeting the general course requirements, the student applying for admission to the degree completion program at the School of Dentistry must:

  • Be a graduate of a regionally accredited and CODA accredited U.S. or Canadian dental hygiene program.
  • Be licensed in at least one state in the U.S.
  • Have a minimum grade point average of 2.5. Applications for admission may be obtained from:

The Office of Admissions

University of Maryland School of Dentistry

650 West Baltimore St., Room 6402

Baltimore, MD 21201

Applications should be received no later than February 1 before the fall semester for which the student wishes to enroll. Enrollment at another University of Maryland campus does not guarantee admission to the degree completion program at the School of Dentistry. Enrollment in the degree completion program is limited. Students who are offered admission will be required to send the required deposit with a letter of intent to enroll. This deposit will be credited toward tuition at registration, but will not be refunded in the event of failure to enroll.

Student Expenses

Tuition and fees are listed on the Student Accounts website. The charges for instrument service, supplies, and uniforms are not applicable for degree completion students. Textbook costs would be considerably lower than listed.

Graduation Requirements

One hundred twenty (120) semester credit hours are required for the Bachelor of Science degree in the degree completion dental hygiene program. The last 30 credit hours toward the baccalaureate degree must be taken at the University of Maryland. Courses not offered at the School of Dentistry may be taken at another University of Maryland campus.

Dental Hygiene General Information

The School of Dentistry offers a Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene. The baccalaureate degree can be earned in one of two educational programs: the Preprofessional/Professional Program (entry-level program) and the Degree Completion Program (for students who already are Registered Dental Hygienists). The objective of both baccalaureate programs is to imbue the students with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values needed to assume positions of responsibility in a variety of health care, educational, research, and community settings. In addition, these programs are designed to provide a foundation for graduate study in dental hygiene or related disciplines.

The dental hygienist, as a member of the oral health care team, strives to improve oral health by providing preventive, therapeutic, and educational services to the public. Clinical dental hygiene services include assessing patients’ general and oral health status and correlating oral with systemic findings, conducting periodontal and caries evaluations, removing deposits and stains from teeth, making radiographic images, evaluating patient outcomes, conducting oral cancer screenings, and applying fluorides and sealants. Educational and management services for individuals and/or groups may include tobacco use prevention, and cessation; providing nutritional and oral hygiene counseling; conducting educational programs; and planning, implementing, and evaluating community oral health programs.


The mission of the University of Maryland School of Dentistry is to improve the quality of life in Maryland through education, research and service related to health, with special emphasis on improving dental, oral and craniofacial health.

In support of this mission, the Dental Hygiene Program educates future leaders in the profession by offering undergraduate and graduate programs in dental hygiene. The program provides continuing education for dental and dental hygiene professionals, conducts research relevant to dental hygiene education and practice, and disseminates this knowledge. The program also provides high quality oral health care services to residents of Maryland and the region, and provides consultative and other services to governmental and private agencies, professional organizations and the community through the leadership and expertise of its faculty and contributions of its students. The program endeavors to recruit, retain and develop high quality, productive faculty who accept responsibility for advancing knowledge in the field of dental hygiene. Faculty foster intellectualism and offer a professional education for dental hygiene students that embodies excellence and relevance. The faculty strives to prepare graduates who can provide dental hygiene services with competence in any setting in accordance with ethical codes of the profession and statutory provisions for dental hygiene practice.

Employment Opportunities in Dental Hygiene

The majority of dental hygienists are employed in private dental offices. However, there are increasing opportunities for those with baccalaureate and graduate degrees; other opportunities are available in community, school, and public health programs; private and public institutions; armed forces; research; private industry; and other special areas of practice.

Pre-Professional/Professional Baccalaureate Program

Pre-Professional/Professional Baccalaureate Program

Pre-Professional/Professional Baccalaureate Program

Dental Hygiene Policies

Advancement Policies

Advancement Policies

Detailed grading system and policies can be found here.

The Dental Hygiene Progression Committee reviews the performance of each Dental Hygiene student at the middle and end of each semester. On the basis of progress and final grades, the Committee determines one of the following actions for each student:

  • Unconditional advancement;
  • Remediation;
  • Conditional advancement;
  • Probationary advancement (repeat a course, repeat or remediate the year); or
  • Academic dismissal recommendation to the Faculty Assembly

The Faculty Assembly must approve all recommendations pertaining to academic dismissal or graduation. A description of the determination actions appears below.

Student Attendance

A student who does not meet published Dental Hygiene attendance policies and Dental Hygiene course standards for attendance may lose the opportunity for remediation. Students with a pattern of unexcused absences who receive one or more failing or deficient grades may be recommended for dismissal. Extenuating circumstances should be identified at the time the absence occurs.


A student may appeal the determination of the Dental Hygiene Progression Committee or the Faculty Assembly on the basis of compelling additional information or extenuating circumstances, either of which could not have been previously considered. The appeal must be made in a written submission delivered to the Dean for Academic Affairs and the Director of the Dental Hygiene Program.

The appeal must be submitted within five working days of the date on which the student receives written notification of the determination of the Progression Committee or the decision of the Faculty Assembly. The written appeal must include: the decision the student is appealing; the compelling additional information or extenuating circumstances that could not have been previously considered by the Progression Committee and the reason why the information was not previously presented; and the academic status that the student is requesting. The student may present and prioritize more than one alternative academic status.

The appeal will first be reviewed by an ad hoc panel composed of the Dean for Academic Affairs and two department chairs to determine if the appeal reasonably meets the specified criteria. Should the panel determine the appeal does not reasonably meet the specified criteria, the appeal will be denied. In these circumstances, there is no further consideration and the determination of the Progression Committee or the decision of the Faculty Assembly is final.

If the ad hoc panel determines the appeal reasonably meets the specified criteria, the panel will forward the appeal for consideration to the appropriate body, either the Dental Hygiene Progression Committee or the Faculty Assembly.

The appropriate body, either the Dental Hygiene Progression Committee or the Faculty Assembly will review the appeal, meeting within ten working days of receiving the appeal from the ad hoc panel when feasible.

The appropriate body will issue a written decision on the appeal, acting within five business days of meeting, when feasible.

The appeal decision of the appropriate body, either the Dental Hygiene Progression Committee or the Faculty Assembly, is final and there is no further appeal. Decisions of the Dental Hygiene Progression Committee will be forwarded to the Faculty Assembly for information. Decisions of the Faculty Assembly will be forwarded to the Dean for information. In all cases, a record of the decision will be made part of the student’s academic file.

Determination Actions

Unconditional Advancement

Students must achieve a 2.00 grade point average and receive passing grades in all courses to advance unconditionally to the next semester.

A grade equivalent of 2.00 or higher must be earned in all courses applied to earning the Bachelor of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene. A student must attain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher to qualify for graduation with the BS degree.

In the CDHL BS/MS Dual Degree Track, students must maintain a minimum, cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for the M.S. Degree in Dental Hygiene.

Probationary Advancement for Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene

A student receiving a grade below C in any BS course will be on academic probation and is required to remediate (if applicable) or repeat the course and obtain a passing grade of C or higher. A student may repeat a course only one time. If the student does not pass the repeated course with a grade of C or higher, the student is subject to probationary advancement or may be academically dismissed from the Dental Hygiene program subject to discretionary review by the Faculty Assembly.

Any student who does not pass a core Dental Hygiene course (e.g; DHYG 311 or DHYG 316), is subject to academic probation or may be academically dismissed from the Dental Hygiene program subject to discretionary review by the Faculty Assembly.

Any student earning a semester or cumulative GPA below a 2.00 or earning below a C in any course, will be placed on academic probation. The Dental Hygiene Progression Committee may recommend to the Faculty Assembly that a student who is on academic probation for more than one semester be dismissed from the Dental Hygiene Program.

At the discretion of the Dental Hygiene progression committee, students with a final grade of F in one or more courses at the end of the semester:

  1. May be permitted to advance on academic probation. During the probationary semester, the student must remediate (if applicable), or repeat all courses in which there was a deficiency to a passing grade of C, achieve a minimum grade point average of 2.00, and must pass all courses with a grade of C, taken during the probationary academic semester. Failure to do so will result in dismissal from the Dental Hygiene program subject to discretionary review by the Faculty Assembly.
  2. May be placed on academic probation and assigned to a special academic program where the student may complete the curriculum over additional terms, with special conditions as specified by the Progression Committee if applicable.
  3. May be subject to immediate dismissal from the program as determined by the Dental Hygiene Progression Committee and approved by the Faculty Assembly.

Academic Dismissal

If the Progression Committee determines that probation or remediation will not bring the student to a passing level, immediate dismissal will be recommended to the Faculty Assembly.

Probationary Advancement - Master of Science in Dental Hygiene (CDHL Students)

Repeating Courses

CDHL students must maintain a minimum, cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for the M.S. Degree in Dental Hygiene. CDHL students who earn less than a 3.0 cumulative GPA may be granted permission to repeat non-passed courses or courses earning less than a B by the Progression Committee. However, students will not be permitted to enroll in any given course more than twice. If a student repeats a course, both grades are recorded on the transcript. The second grade, whether higher or lower, replaces the original grade in the calculation of the cumulative GPA.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

In order to remain enrolled, the MS in Dental Hygiene requires all students to maintain satisfactory academic progress, which is defined as follows:

• Minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 in all courses applied to the MS degree.

Academic Probation/Dismissal

Students who are not making satisfactory academic progress are subject to Academic Probation, with a permanent notation on the transcript. Students who remain on Academic Probation for more than two academic terms and/or fail more than three courses will be subject to dismissal as approved by the Faculty Assembly. Students may also be dismissed for violations of the SOD Code of Conduct or other SOD, UMB or USM policies.


Revised 11/23/16

Updated 8/12/20

Approved Faculty Assembly 8/24/20

Assignment Policy

Policy for assignments for dental hygiene courses

Please review the policy for assignments for your courses here at BCDS:

Adherence to Established Deadlines:

  1. Due dates for assignments are posted in each Blackboard course site.
  2. Students are responsible for the timely completion of all required coursework. Adherence to established deadlines for all assignments will be reflected in the final course grade.
  3. Assignments must be submitted electronically via the Assignment feature in BB. Assignments should NOT be submitted via e-mail, fax, the digital drop box, nor any other means in BB. Late assignments will not be accepted.
  4. The course software standards are Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. Assignments completed in other formats will not be accepted.
  5. When a technical problem occurs it the student’s responsibility to contact the help desk at If technical problems prevent a student from being able to submit his/her assignment electronically, he/she should contact the Course Director ASAP.
  6. Grades on assignments will be posted in the gradebook as soon as possible. The student should refer to the course gradebook to determine the grade earned on each assignment.

Reviewed 07/26/2018

Attendance Policy

  1. Some clinical, classroom and laboratory activities cannot be made up if missed; if missed, students could be unprepared for subsequent experiences. The Division of Dental Hygiene expects students to be present for all mandatory clinics and classes. If a student does not have a patient, options for volunteer blocks are described in clinical course outlines.
  2. To qualify for an excused absence (religious holiday, scheduled event), students are required to submit an absence form to their course coordinator within the first 10 days of the semester. If a scheduled examination is missed due to an excused absence, the student MUST take the exam within 24 hours or will receive a zero.
  3. In the event of an emergency, death, or illness, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the Course Director as soon as possible if he/she will be unable to attend a mandatory class.  For unexpected absences arising after the first 10 days of the semester, students must submit a completed absence form with appropriate documentation verifying the reason for absence (such as medical doctor's note, death notices in case of funeral attendance, a government or court summons or other official notification explaining absences that requires verification). 
  4. Course specific attendance policies are described in each course syllabus.

Revised 07/28/18

Awards and Scholarships

Division of Dental Hygiene Perseverance Award. The graduating class recognizes a senior dental hygiene student who most exemplifies the spirit of perseverance and fortitude in the face of overwhelming obstacles before or during the course of his/her dental hygiene education.

University Honors. The University honors outstanding scholastic achievement with the University Gold Medal, University High Honors, and Honors, and membership in Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society.

Summa Cum Laude

Magna Cum Laude

Phi Kappa Phi: University awards recognizing graduating seniors in the top 10% of their class.

Sigma Phi Alpha Dental Hygiene Honor Society. Graduating senior students in the top 10% out of the 20% of their class may be elected by the faculty for membership. Selection is based on service, character, and potential for professional growth.

Who’s Who. The Dental Hygiene program selects outstanding graduating senior students to be included in Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges.

The Philips Oral Healthcare Linda E. DeVore Professional Integrity Award is presented to a graduating senior who mirrors the dignity, civility, honesty, integrity, intellectual curiosity and responsibility epitomized by Ms. DeVore throughout her professional career as a dental hygienist, faculty member, and Chair of the Department of Dental Hygiene.

The Division of Dental Hygiene Clinical Excellence Award is presented to a graduating senior student for outstanding clinical performance, application of knowledge in the provision of services, and delivery of total patient care.

The Division of Dental Hygiene Prevention Award is presented to a graduating senior student for excellence in the provision of preventive dental hygiene care.

The Division of Dental Hygiene Degree Completion Leadership Award is presented to a graduating degree completion student who demonstrates outstanding leadership, self-direction and potential for significant contributions to the profession.

The Maryland Dental Hygienists’ Association presents an award to recognize outstanding interest and potential for active participation in the professional organization.

The Lisa Mazza Memorial Award honors a graduating senior student who has demonstrated outstanding interest and participation in the Student American Dental Hygienists’ Association and potential involvement in the Greater Baltimore Dental Hygienists’ Association.

HuFriedy Golden Scaler is presented to a graduating senior student who has demonstrated outstanding humanitarianism, ethical standards, devotion to the profession and clinical excellence.

Colgate S.T.A.R. (Student Total Achievement Recognition) is presented to a graduating senior student who demonstrates true dedication to the dental hygiene profession, exhibits compassion in patient care, displays enthusiasm for community service and enjoys the role of dental hygienist. Her/his name is inscribed on a plaque hanging in the Dental Hygiene Program office.

Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Award of Excellence Research Poster Competition presents a monetary award to the student(s) who win the Dental Hygiene Student research Competition. These winners will present and compete at ADHA in June.

Academy of Dentistry for Persons With Disabilities presents an award to recognize students with an outstanding commitment to the care of patients with special needs.

American Association of Public Health Dentistry’s (AAPHD) national recognition award for a senior dental hygiene student who have demonstrated a Special Interest/Achievement in Community Dentistry and Dental Public Health. Student award winner receives an award certificate, one-year membership in the American Association of Public Health Dentistry, and a one-year subscription to the Journal of Public Health Dentistry.

Geriatrics and Gerontology Education and Research Program Student Award. From campus. Recognizes a senior dental hygiene student who has demonstrated particular interest and capability in Geriatrics/Gerontology Excellence. This award includes a monetary award.

Ronald McDonald House Charities -Community Service Award Recognizes senior dental hygiene students who willingly gave their time and resources to steadfastly prepare meals for the residents of the Baltimore Ronald McDonald House Charities. This award is given for your commitment and dedication to leadership and service in the Community.

Septodont Local Anesthesia Award Recognizes a senior dental hygiene student who gave the most injections.

Banner Carrier: one dental hygiene student carries the DHYG banner at the Arena campus-wide graduation ceremony on that Friday afternoon.

Division of Dental Hygiene Spirit Award. Recognizes a senior dental hygiene student who best exemplifies the spirit of teamwork, volunteerism, participation in service to the class and kindness to fellow classmates.

Pat Stearns Scholarship. The Dental Hygiene Program through the Office of Financial Aid awards the Pat Stearns Scholarship to a second semester junior student in need of financial assistance who has demonstrated excellence in academic achievement; willingness to serve his/her class, school and community; dedication to the profession; and an open display of high standards of professional conduct. The scholarship award is available to the student during his/her senior year.

Other scholarships are posted by the Program and the Office of Financial Aid.

Dean's List

Students who attain a 3.5 GPA for a semester will be recognized for their achievement progress by being placed on the Dean's List.

Revised 11/23/16

Communication Guidelines

Faculty Office Hours

All faculty in the Division of Dental Hygiene are available to meet with students. However, for the convenience of both students and faculty, students are encouraged to arrange appointments with faculty directly, either electronically or in person. Course syllabi typically list faculty office hours.

Guidelines for Class/SADHA Officers and Faculty Advisors

General Guidelines

  1. Meetings: Student officers should schedule meetings when advisors are available to attend; check advisor availability before posting meeting dates.
  2. Students are responsible for scheduling meeting rooms.
  3. Meetings should be scheduled ahead of time for the entire semester when possible.
  4. Once the meeting schedule is established, dates must be provided to the DHYG Division Executive Administrative Assistant.
  5. Minutes of meeting should be kept with copies sent to the Faculty Advisor and DHYG Division Director.

Fundraising Guidelines

All fundraising activities must be approved by the Advisor and the Program Director. Students must then get approval from the Office of Academic and Student Affairs.

Activities Guidelines

  1. Students engage in a number of extra-curricular activities such as volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House, the Special Olympics, and school, community or church functions. The Advisor and DHYG Program Director must approve all such activities associated with student organizations.
  2. Prior to planning any student social activities held within the School of Dentistry, Class and/or SADHA officers must confirm that faculty coverage for the event is available. The Office of Academic and Student Affairs also must be apprised of such activities.

Administrative Channels of Communication

The normal route for concerns involving clinic matters:

Faculty member involved, Student Advisor, Clinic Director (Jr. or Sr.), Program Director, Department Chair /Director, Dean of Student Affairs, Dean of Academic Affairs, School of Dentistry Dean

The normal route for concerns involving academic matters:

Faculty member involved, Course Director, Program Director, Department Chair/Director, Dean of Student Affairs, Dean of Academic Affairs, School of Dentistry Dean

Address and Name Changes

Changes in name, address, and telephone number must be submitted by students to:

  1. Dental Hygiene Program Director, Room 1203, School of Dentistry.
  2. The Office of Academic Affairs, Dean's Office, School of Dentistry, and the Registrar Office, 601 W. Lombard Street, Suite 240, Baltimore, MD 21201 or through the Student User Friendly System (SURFS) located on the University of Maryland, Baltimore website.

Revised 07/28/18

Competencies for Dental Hygiene Graduates


A competency for Dental Hygiene Graduates identifies and organizes the knowledge, skills and attitudes our graduates must attain for entry into dental hygiene practice in all settings.

The value of these competencies is related to two areas. First, the competencies define the core content of the curriculum. By stating publicly what graduates must know and be able to do after completing our program, we establish a basis for the content of all courses. The competencies set standards for identifying relevant content and provide guidance in making decisions related to our educational program. The degree to which our curriculum is relevant, complete, educationally sound, and well organized is a direct reflection of this document.

A second area in which competencies are useful is outcomes assessment. The quality of any curriculum must be judged by its results. By setting forth competencies that a student must demonstrate to qualify for graduation and entry into the profession, this document provides a basis for establishing measures to evaluate the degree to which a student has acquired and can demonstrate the competencies needed to care for individuals and promote the health of the public.

Competencies for Dental Hygiene Graduates should be viewed as dynamic standards that are responsive to any clear need for change. The competencies are intended to serve as a framework for the dental hygiene curriculum and require regular review and revision.

Competency as an Educational Concept

This document has been organized around the concept of "competencies." The term "competent" is defined as the level of special skill, knowledge and attitudes derived from training and experience. Competencies for dental hygiene graduates can be more specifically described by several basic characteristics. Competencies are a typical part of the practice of dental hygiene; a combination of knowledge, attitude, psychomotor skill, and/or communication skill; and performed at or above an acceptable level of defined standards.



The general organization of this document (and ultimately the curriculum) is structured from the general to the more specific. Three Domains have been identified:

Professionalism, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention and Patient/Client Care

These domains represent broad categories of professional activity and concern which occur in dental hygiene practice. By design, these categories are not related to specific courses within the Division of Dental Hygiene because course structure does not reflect the scope of a practicing dental hygienist. The concept of Domains is intended to encourage a structure and process in the curriculum that is interdisciplinary, coordinated and applicable to practice. In this document, Domains are numbered I-III.


Within each domain, Competencies are identified. A Competency is the ability to provide a particular, but complex, task or service. For example, ‘the dental hygienist must be able to systematically collect and accurately record baseline data on the general, oral and psychosocial health status of patients/clients using methods consistent with medicolegal principles.” The complexity of this service suggests that multiple and more specific abilities are required to enable the performance of a Competency. In this document, Competencies are numbered 1-10.

Supporting Skills

The more specific abilities could be considered subdivisions of Competencies and are termed Supporting Skills. An example of a Supporting Skill is: "Obtain, review and update a complete medical, family, psychological, and dental history." The acquisition and demonstration of a Competency require a level of mastery of all Supporting Skills related to that particular service or task. Similarly, Supporting Skills also require acquisition of more specific abilities, termed Foundational Abilities. In this document, Supporting Skills are numbered 1.1-10.4.

Foundational Abilities

Foundational abilities are obtained through didactic and laboratory instruction that provide the information and experience needed for satisfactory mastery of Supporting Skills. Foundational ability encompasses knowledge, skill and attitudes. Foundational knowledge is the ability to use information and correctly answer specific questions when asked, for example, on an examination. Foundational technical skill is the ability to follow specific rules to produce acceptable results in standardized situations, for example, periodontal probing on a simulator. Foundational attitudes are positive intellectual and behavioral actions, such as addressing a patient's chief complaint prior to proceeding with the planned treatment.

The basic medical and dental sciences, behavioral sciences, and clinical sciences all provide instruction at the foundation level. Didactic, small group, seminar, laboratory and clinical instruction provide information and psychomotor experiences that enable students to acquire and demonstrate competence in clinical or other dental hygiene employment settings. The inclusion of any specific foundational ability in the curriculum should be based on its direct support of one or more of the Supporting Skills and Competencies. In general, course objectives are designed to provide Foundational Abilities. Therefore, Foundational Abilities are not listed in this document.


The worth and practicality of Competencies for Dental Hygiene Graduates depends on its acceptance and application by the faculty responsible for the educational programs of the Division of Dental Hygiene, Department of Periodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Maryland, Baltimore. These Competencies define a level of practice for the new graduate, rather than predict the higher level of practice that will be attained by dental hygiene practitioners over their career lifetime. This document is designed to direct and be responsive to the educational needs of our students. Ultimately, the true measure of the value of competencies will be the quality of our graduates and the health care they render to the public.

Reviewed 11/23/2016

Link to:

Constitution and By-Laws of Dental Hygiene Student Organizations

We, the dental hygiene students, do hereby establish this as the Constitution and By-Laws of the University of Maryland Baltimore, Student American Dental Hygienists' Association.

Article I - Name and Description

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the University of Maryland Baltimore, Student American Dental Hygienists' Association, hereafter referred to as SADHA.

Section 2. It shall be defined as a governing, educational and social organization comprised of students enrolled in the University of Maryland School of Dentistry Dental Hygiene programs.

Article II - Purposes of SADHA

Section 1. To serve as a means of communication among students, dental hygiene faculty, administration, others in the dental school, and other dental/dental hygiene schools.

Section 2. To provide a liaison to the American Dental Hygienists' Association and act as the initial introduction to membership in the national professional organization following graduation.

Article III - Supremacy Clause

The Constitution and By-Laws of the American Dental Hygienists' Association shall be the supreme law of this Society and it shall be bound thereby. This supremacy clause provides that when the Constitution and By-Laws of the American Dental Hygienists' Association is in conflict with any constituent society, the former shall prevail.

Article IV - Membership and Dues

Section 1. All Dental Hygiene students and Degree-Completion students enrolled in the University of Maryland Baltimore, School of Dentistry, Dental Hygiene programs are eligible for membership.

Section 2. Membership is mandatory as a representation of professional commitment and responsibility.

Section 3. The importance of association membership is incorporated into the curriculum.

Section 4. Membership fees are added to tuition costs.

Section 5. All checks drafted from SADHA account will be signed by the SADHA Treasurer and approved by the Faculty Advisor.

Section 6. Use of SADHA funds is limited to SADHA activities which are approved and sanctioned by the membership and the Faculty Advisor.

Article V - Officers of SADHA

Section 1. The officers shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. A member of the dental hygiene faculty shall serve as Advisor.

Section 2. Election of Officers

Subsection A. Senior officers shall be elected at the April meeting.

Elected officers shall be in good standing.

Subsection B. Junior officers shall be elected at a meeting early in the fall semester meeting. Elected officers shall be in good standing.

Subsection C. Election of officers is by simple majority vote.

Section 3. The officers shall act on behalf of the general membership based on the powers and duties vested by this Constitution and By-Laws.

Section 4. Duties and Responsibilities of Officers

Subsection A. President – senior

The President's powers and duties shall be to:

  1. conduct executive and business meetings
  2. serve as head of the organization
  3. serve as Chair of the executive committee
  4. serve as representative at SDA executive meetings
  5. send a welcoming and informational newsletter to incoming juniors
  6. organize and post an agenda for business meetings
  7. announce ADHA news items
  8. initiate committee assignments and appoint members of all SADHA committees
  9. coordinate with class officers the election of representatives to all Standing Committees of the Faculty.
  10. attend local and national dental hygiene meetings when possible
  11. regularly consult with the assigned faculty advisor and submit an annual report of the activities of the office to the faculty advisor

Subsection B. Vice-President – junior

The Vice-President's powers and duties shall be to:

  1. act as liaison representative to ADHA and MDHA, attending MDHA executive board meetings when possible
  2. assist the President, as needed 
  3. conduct meetings in the absence of the President
  4. delegate the responsibility of arranging a photographer and representative for the Mirror in the event the office of Historian is unfilled
  5. submit SADHA activities and dates to the campus newspaper
  6. serve as co-Chair, with the Treasurer, of the budget and fundraising committee
  7. consult as needed with the assigned faculty advisor, and
  8. submit an annual report of the activities of the office to the faculty advisor

Subsection C. Treasurer - senior

The Treasurer's powers and duties shall be to:

  1. keep accurate records of organization's financial status
  2. keep accurate records of all SADHA membership dues
  3. delegate responsibilities to the treasurer-elect
  4. serve as co-Chair with the Vice-President of the budget and fundraising committee
  5. consult as needed with the assigned faculty advisor, and
  6. submit an annual report of the activities of the office to the faculty advisor.

Subsection D. Secretary – junior

The Secretary's powers and duties shall be to:

  1. keep accurate minutes of each executive and business meeting
  2. post a copy of each business meeting's minutes on SADHA BlackBoard org site
  3. keep accurate roster of members' attendance
  4. assist other committees in publicizing SADHA fundraisers and events
  5. carry on official correspondence as necessary
  6. address internal correspondence, as needed
  7. consult with assigned faculty advisor as needed, and submit an annual report of the activities of the office to the advisor

Subsection E. Historian-junior

The Historian's powers and duties shall be to:

  1. attend social functions (e.g. the Spring Banquet) and take photographs (must supply own camera)
  2. keep a scrapbook of the year, mementos, candid photos, events
  3. arrange a photographer for the Mirror
  4. serve as a representative to the Mirror
  5. consult as needed with the assigned faculty advisor, and submit an annual report of the activities of the office to the advisor

Subsection F. USGA Senators - one junior, one senior

The duties of the USGA Senators shall be to:

  1. attend the USGA meetings representing the dental hygiene program
  2. submit a written report to SADHA President prior to next scheduled business meeting
  3. senior senator to be elected at the April meeting; junior senator to be elected at the subsequent October meeting
  4. in the event that either of these positions are unfilled, the duty of attending USGA meetings shall fall to the class vice-presidents
  5. consult as needed with the assigned faculty advisor and submit an annual report of the activities of the office to the advisor

Article VI - Class Officers

Section 1. The officers shall consist of a President, Vice-Present and Secretary, Treasurer, Social Chairs (2), Historian, SDA representative, Perryville representative, and Eastern Shore representative for each class

Section 2. Election of Officers

Subsection A. Rising senior class officers shall be elected at the April class meeting

Subsection B. Junior class officers shall be elected by October 1st. Elections shall be arranged by the junior class in consultation with the senior class president.

Section 3. The officers shall act on behalf of the class membership based on the powers and duties vested by this Constitution and By-Laws.

Subsection A. Duties of the senior class President shall be to:

  1. conduct individual class meetings
  2. representative to the Student Affairs' committee
  3. liaison for the class to SADHA by attending executive meetings
  4. liaison for the class to the faculty and the dean
  5. in the event the office of USGA senator remains unfilled, attend all USGA meetings
  6. serve on the Faculty-Alumni Liaison committee
  7. assist in coordinating the election of the junior class officers
  8. attend annual Faculty Assembly meeting

Subsection B. Duties of the senior class Vice-President shall be to:

  1. to serve as President at meetings of the class or other class functions in the absence of the class President
  2. to serve as moderator of class fundraising activities
  3. to carry out such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President

Subsection C. Duties of the senior class Secretary shall be to:

  1. record notes from each meeting (minutes)
  2. post minutes on BlackBoard
  3. to carry out such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President

Subsection D. Duties of the senior class Treasurer shall be to:

  1. handle all class financial records and collect dues
  2. alternate representative to the Student Affairs' committee
  3. representative to the Judicial Board, attending judicial meetings as needed
  4. to carry out such other duties as may be assigned by the class President

Subsection E. Duties of the junior class President shall be to:

  1. conduct individual class meetings
  2. representative to the Student Affairs' committee
  3. act as liaison for the class to SADHA by attending executive meetings
  4. in the event that the office of USGA Senator remains unfilled, attend all USGA meetings
  5. attend annual Faculty Assembly meeting

Subsection F. Duties of the junior class Vice-President shall be to:

  1. to serve as President at meetings of the class or other class functions in the absence of the Class President
  2. to serve as moderator of class fund raising activities
  3. to carry out such other duties as may be assigned by the President

Subsection G. Duties of the junior class Secretary shall be to:

  1. record notes from each meeting (minutes)
  2. post minutes on BlackBoard
  3. to carry out such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President

Subsection H. Duties of the junior class Treasurer shall be to:

  1. handle all class financial records and collect dues
  2. alternate representative to the Student Affairs committee
  3. to carry out such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President

Article VII – Meetings

Section 1. Executive Meetings

  1. Meetings are held at the discretion of the President and are attended by the following: the executive committee, class officers and the faculty advisor.
  2. Request for funds for any dental hygiene activity must first be submitted to the executive committee for consideration and then may be presented to a general meeting for final approval.

Section 2. Business Meetings

  1. Meetings are held once a month and are open to SADHA members, faculty and guests.
  2. Pertinent business topics and committee reports are presented to the general membership for consideration, discussion and vote, if applicable.
  3. Business meetings are to be planned and hosted by a minimum of two senior students who shall arrange refreshments and the guest speaker.
  4. The guest speaker may be selected with regard to any topic the hostesses feel may interest the general membership, subject to the faculty advisor's approval.
  5. Any student may place an item on the agenda by contacting the President at least one day prior to the meeting.
  6. Any items not on the agenda shall be addressed at the end of the meeting, time allowing.
  7. Generally, the business meeting will not extend beyond forty-five minutes; the guest speaker's presentation beyond forty-five minutes.

Section 3. Committee Meetings

  1. Meetings are to be called by the committee Chair and held on an as needed basis.
  2. Chairs are responsible for submitting a report to the President one week prior to the next SADHA meeting. A report is to be submitted regardless of committee activity.
  3. All committees are to select their own Chairs unless otherwise specified in this constitution.
  4. The term "junior" as used here may apply to any two year or three year junior unless the term "clinical junior" is specified.

Section 4. Class Meetings

  1. Meetings are to be held at the discretion of the class President and the class.

Article VIII - SADHA Committees

Section 1. Executive Committee

  1. Members: SADHA President (Chair), SADHA officers, Class officers, a faculty advisor and all other committee Chairs
  2. Duties: administration of SADHA, review of issues to be placed on business meeting agenda

Section 2. Budget and Fund-Raising Committee

  1. Members: SADHA Vice-President and Treasurer (co-Chair), at least two juniors and two seniors
  2. Duties: shall be responsible for the initiation, organization and carrying out of all fundraising activities

Section 3. Social Committee

  1. Members: shall consist of at least two juniors and two seniors; a senior shall serve as chairperson
  2. Duties: shall be responsible for the initiation, planning and carrying-out of various SADHA social activities.

Section 4. Constitution and By-Laws Committee

  1. Members: at least one junior and one senior
  2. Duties: to review the constitution annually to ensure its currency and pertinence, and to write any revisions necessary to be approved by the executive committee

Section 5. Orientation Committee

  1. Members: two rising-seniors (Class President, SADHA President) and senior Social Chairs.
  2. Duties: to initiate, organize and carry out new junior orientations including, but not limited to, big-little siblings, welcome picnic

Section 6. Special Committees

  1. Special committees of SADHA may be created at any time by the Executive Committee for the purpose of performing any duty not otherwise assigned by these By-Laws.

Article IX Dental School Standing Committees of the Faculty Assembly with Dental Hygiene Student Representation

Section 1. Dental Hygiene Recruitment and Admissions Committee

  1. Members: one junior, one senior, and one degree completion student
  2. Duties: participate in student selection decisions and assist the dental hygiene faculty in recruitment efforts

Section 2. Dental Hygiene Curriculum Committee

  1. Members: one junior, one senior, and one degree completion student
  2. Duties: to work with the faculty in reviewing and evaluating and make suggestions for revisions of the academic program.

Approved by Faculty Council on February 12, 1986; Revised, June 16, 2010

Course Policies Agreement

Division of Dental Hygiene University of Maryland School of Dentistry

Individuals registering for courses in the dental hygiene program must understand the parameters and constraints of this professional coursework. This course agreement sets forth parameters in an effort to make expectations clear. Please thoroughly read this document and sign and date on the signature page indicating that you have read and understand the student’s responsibility in agreeing to course participation. In addition to the posting of this document on the School of Dentistry website, this agreement is also posted in the Course Information section of each Blackboard course and on the new dental hygiene student orientation Blackboard sites.

Course access: You are responsible for having consistent access to a computer with an Internet connection. This will enable you to access the University of Maryland School of Dentistry homepage in order to view Blackboard (BB). The University of Maryland School of Dentistry requires that all incoming students have their own laptop at the time of matriculation that meets the educational needs specified in the laptop letter from Mr. Kent Buckingham, Executive Director of the Office of Information Technology and Dr. Patricia Meehan, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

Server Maintenance: Access to the Blackboard course will remain relatively constant throughout the duration of the course. Please note that the server that houses UMB’s online courses has varied scheduled maintenance times--the course may be unavailable during this time. Notification of maintenance activities are electronically posted by the campus IT administrators and available to all Blackboard users well in advance of the scheduled dates.

Communication: The primary method for communicating regarding dental hygiene course information should be through the Blackboard course site for the specific DHYG courses, however, when you have an urgent/private issue that needs to be discussed, you may e-mail your course coordinator or schedule an appointment during office hours.

Americans with Disabilities Act Statement: In accepting the offer of admission, University of Maryland School of Dentistry dental hygiene students have read and agree to adhere to the policy entitled ”Technical Standards for 2 Admissions and Matriculation” which was mailed to each student offered admission and which also appears on the School of Dentistry website:

This document details the policies and procedures for students with disabilities at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry.

Academic Dishonesty: Cheating, plagiarism, violating copyright laws and other acts of academic dishonesty are held as serious offenses. Instructors have the responsibility to report any such incident in writing to the Professional Conduct Committee (Judicial Board). Professional Conduct Committee (Judicial Board). Additionally, students have the responsibility to report such incidents to the Professional Conduct Committee. Serious penalties may be imposed which, depending on the nature of the incident, could include loss of course points, failure of the course, permanent expulsion from the class, program or college or other action deemed appropriate by the Professional Conduct Committee.

Each student enrolled in the School of Dentistry has reviewed the Judicial Policy, available electronically on the School of Dentistry website at:

signed and submitted his/her name on the statement specifying agreement to upholding the policy and has been permitted to enroll in courses upon successful completion of the exam. Each examination given in the program contains the Professional Conduct Committee (Judicial Board) policy statement. Each student submitting an examination continues to agree to uphold the policy.

Confidentiality: All student work and grades will be confidential. As with any computer, there is the possibility of an individual hacking into the system and confidential information being obtained. UMB maintains every effort to prevent this from happening. If you have any concerns about computer hacking, contact the School of Dentistry’s Office of Information Technology help desk at 410-706-2084. If you suspect that your personal computer or files have been compromised and/or information stolen or altered, you should contact your course coordinator ASAP to file a formal incident report. It is your responsibility to reproduce any work required for the course.

Ethical Behavior: Students are expected to operate within the ethical boundaries of their chosen profession. All electronic communication with other classmates and the instructor must be conducted without profanity, bias or discrimination. All coursework must be conducted and turned in by the individual registered for the course. All work submitted must be original work.

Online Tests: See the Dental Hygiene Examination Policy located under the Course Information tab of each Blackboard course site.

Time Commitment: Managing professional course work requires a great deal of self-discipline and time-management skills. Though the course coordinators post their syllabus and other selected course materials in the course management system, Blackboard, in-person and live class times are scheduled to take place during a specific day(s) and time(s) of the week. Course time will be scheduled during the course’s designated weekly time unless otherwise directed on the course syllabi. Course work should be completed during or before the course’s weekly designated time (preannounced reading assignments, review of announced course materials, review of prior week’s activities, etc.). In addition, there will be scheduled, proctored exams and other scheduled course events listed in the syllabi.

Technical Support: When a technical problem occurs it the student’s responsibility to contact the help desk at, however you are responsible for your personal laptop. The Office of Information Technology will work to assist you but may be unable fix all issues you may be experiencing. If technical problems prevent a student from being able to submit their assignment electronically, they should send an email to the course director to explain the difficulty ASAP. If students cannot use email, they should call the course director to explain the difficulty. If students reach the course director’s voicemail, they should leave a message explaining the difficulty and a phone contact where they can be reached.

Class Announcements: General announcements or changes to the course will be listed under the Announcements tab of BB for each course. You should use the discussion board for each course to post questions to your classmates and/or the course coordinator as you progress through the material. Specific discussion boards may be designated for student to student use and for student to faculty use.

Course Syllabus & Requirements: It is your responsibility to read and comprehend the content included in each course syllabus and/or manual, and all other course related materials. See individual course syllabi for specific details relating to instructor feedback and grading, communication requirements, exact course credit hours, and for each course’s scheduled weekly day and time meetings and/or due dates.

Link to Academic Information and Dental Hygiene Policies:

Course Policies Agreement for the Division of Dental Hygiene

Division of Dental Hygiene University of Maryland School of Dentistry

I have read this Course Policies Agreement in its entirety, understand and accept this policy and agree to uphold the student’s responsibility in registering and participating in courses that are a part of the dental hygiene program curriculum.

Signed Date
 Print Name  

Revised 11/23/16

Degree Requirements

  1. A minimum of 120 credits* is required for graduation from both the entry-level and Degree Completion BS programs.
  2. A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 is required for graduation.
  3. All courses must be passed according to course/program guidelines.
  4. A diploma application must be filed with the Director of Records and Registration, University of Maryland. Baltimore before the stated deadline in order to receive the diploma at Commencement.

Reviewed 11/23/2016

Examinations for Licensure

National Board Dental Hygiene Examination

The National Board Dental Hygiene Examination is given by the Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations of the American Dental Association. This examination is conducted as a service to the dental hygiene profession with an ultimate goal of helping maintain a high standard of dental hygiene care for the public.

Dental hygiene practice, like that of dentistry and other health professions, is subject to individual state laws. Nearly all states now accept the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination Certificate for the written portion of state licensing examinations. Generally, dental hygiene students take this examination in the spring of their senior year. However, the exam is also offered at other times. Information and application forms will be distributed at the beginning of the spring semester.

The National Board examination must be taken online after Spring 2009.

The Commission on Dental Competency Assessments (CDCA)

The CDCA examination consists of a clinical/patient experience and a computer based examination at Prometric Learning Centers. The clinical exam is given at University of Maryland, School of Dentistry in April. This examination is given at other sites in August and December.

The Maryland State Practice Act includes the administration of local anesthesia and nitrous oxide. Two additional prometric examinations are required. The CDCA Local Anesthesia Examination is taken as part of the certification process for dental hygienists to administer local anesthesia; and the CDCA Nitrous Oxide Examination is part of the certification process for dental hygienists to administer nitrous oxide.

Maryland State Board Examination

Graduate dental hygienists must hold a valid license in the state in which they wish to practice. The Maryland State Board of Dental Examiners accepts the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination Certificate and the Commission on Dental Competency Assessments (CDCA). A separate application must be completed for each state in which the applicant wishes to be licensed. Applications for Maryland will be available to seniors during their last semester of study. Applicants are required to pass a prometric/written exam on the State practice act, governing dental/dental hygiene practice in Maryland, including local anesthesia and nitrous oxide administration.

Revised 11/23/16

Grading Policies

Grading Policies

Clinical Grading Criteria

Daily Grades For the daily computer grading program, clinical skills are assessed using the following criteria:

Superior, Acceptable, Needs Improvement, Unacceptable

Superior (95) 90-100- Represents a high level of performance/competence with difficult cases - no improvements necessary

Acceptable (85) 80- 89 - Represents an acceptable level of performance /competence with minimally to moderately complex cases – minimal improvements necessary

Needs Improvement (75) 70-79 - Represents an average to minimal level of performance, improvements are necessary

Unacceptable (65) Below 70 -Represents unacceptable level of performance, significant improvements are necessary.

**Highlighted score will be entered into Axium

Competency Grades

Clinical competencies also constitute a percent of the clinic course grade and are graded from 0-100%. Students receive a zero for any incomplete clinic competency and will have one grade deducted from their final course grade for any incomplete skills assessment. An “I” for the final course grade is issued until the competency is completed. Students have until mid-term of the following semester to complete any remaining competencies from the prior semester. An “I” grade is converted to an “F” course grade if competencies are not completed by the designated date. If students do not complete critical competencies (e.g., periodontal assessment, hard tissue assessment) by the end of the second semester junior year, they may not be able to participate in scheduled service learning activities.

Numerical grades for the competencies are entered into the computer using the following scale:

Grading Scale A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 F below 70

Classroom Grading Criteria

The criteria utilized to determine a grade are specified in each course syllabus. Percentage weightings of course components also are listed. All School of Dentistry dental hygiene courses use the following grading scale*: A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 F below 70

*CDHL students should refer to the MHS course syllabi regarding the Graduate School grading scale


The grade point average is the sum of the products of course credits and grade values, divided by the total number of course credits in that year of the curriculum.

The School of Dentistry does not use the “plus or minus” grading system.  CDHL students please note: The Graduate School permits instructors to assign final grades using the “plus or minus” grading system, which applies to MHS courses only.   The available letter grades and corresponding quality point values used for grade-point average calculations are as follows:

A             4.00

A-           3.67

B+           3.33

B             3.00

B-            2.67

C+           2.33

C             2.00

C-            1.67

D+          1.33

D             1.00

D-           0.67

F              0.00


Grades at the Time of Withdrawal and Passing Grade Criteria

The following grades are used when students withdraw after the beginning of the course: WD - Withdraw: This grade indicates withdrawal during the first half of the course. WP - Withdraw Pass or WF - Withdraw Fail: This grade denotes student performance to date when withdrawal occurs after the first half of the course.

Information related to the grading criteria for each course is distributed at the onset of the course. All transfer courses, dental hygiene courses and courses taken for institutional credit must be passed with a C grade or better.

Reviewed 11/23/16

Updated 8/12/2020

Approved Faculty Assembly 8/24/20

Limited Time for Enrollment and Time to Degree Policy

Limited Time for Enrollment and Time to Degree Policy

  • The B.S. Traditional, B.S. Degree Completion, and M.S.Dental Hygiene programs have a limited time for enrollment.
  • Continuous semester enrollment is required.
  • The Dental Hygiene Progression Committee reviews student progress at mid-term and semester conclusion and will recommend and report student advancement decisions for approval by the Faculty Council.
  • A student may appeal any decision reached pursuant to this policy under the School’s Division of Dental Hygiene established appeal process.
  • Requests for exceptions to the graduation timetables for the BS and MS programs because of interruptions caused by illness or requested leave of absence must be made in written submission delivered to the Dean for Academic Affairs and the Director of the Dental Hygiene Program.

A.  The B. S. Traditional Dental Hygiene Program is limited to a two-year enrollment. 

  1. Students must achieve a 2.00 grade point average each semester and receive passing grades in all courses to advance unconditionally to the next semester.
  2. Courses may only be repeated once to obtain a passing grade and a semester and cumulative GPA of 2.00.
  3. Students must attain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher to qualify for graduation.
  4. Students must receive a passing grade of C or higher in all courses applied to earning the Bachelor of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene including transfer, institutional, and inter- and intra-institutional credits.
  5. If students are unsuccessful, the Dental Hygiene Progression Committee may recommendAcademic Probation with a modified curriculum and repeat of the failed course or student dismissal from the program.
  6. The Progression Committee may afford opportunities to complete the program in one additional year if students are unsuccessful within the usual two-year enrollment.
  7. The maximum period of enrollment for the B.S. Traditional Program is three years.

B.  The B.S. Degree Completion Dental Hygiene Program has a limited number of class positions for the one-year and two-year tracks. 

  1. Course sequencing is pre-determined by the admission track and students must maintain a GPA of at least 2.00 in all institutional and inter- and intra-institutional courses.
  2. Degree Completion students are admitted into the respective tracks based on seat availability and will have their progress reviewed by the Dental Hygiene Progression Committee at mid-term and semester conclusion.
  3. Students must achieve a 2.00 grade point average each semester and receive passing grades in all courses to advance unconditionally to the next semester.
  4. Courses may only be repeated once to obtain a passing grade and a semester and cumulative GPA of 2.00.
  5. Students must attain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher to qualify for graduation.
  6. Students must receive a passing grade of C or higher in all courses applied to earning the Bachelor of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene including transfer, institutional, and inter- and intra-institutional credits.
  7. If students are unsuccessful, the Dental Hygiene Progression Committee may recommend dismissal from the program or afford opportunities to repeat the failed course and complete the program in one additional year.
  8. If students were admitted to the one-year track and are unsuccessful in a course, they may be afforded the opportunity to complete the program in a maximum of two years.
  9. If students were admitted to the two-year track and are unsuccessful in a course, they may be afforded the opportunity to complete the program in a maximum of three years.

C.  The M.S. in Dental Hygiene Degree in the BS/MS Dual Degree Track has a limited number of class positions for the seven-semester track.

  1. Course sequencing is pre-determined and students are registered for courses sequentially in the Dual Degree BS/MS track
  2. Students must receive a passing grade of C or higher in all courses applied to earning the Bachelor of Science and Master of Science Degrees in Dental Hygiene including transfer, institutional, and inter- and intra-institutional credits.
  3. Students must maintain a minimum, cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for the M.S. Degree in Dental Hygiene.
  4. Students who earn less than a 3.0 cumulative GPA in the graduate program may be granted permission to repeat non-passed courses or courses earning less than a B by the Progression Committee. However, students will not be permitted to enroll in any given course more than twice. If a student repeats a course, both grades are recorded on the transcript.
  5. If students admitted into the Dual degree BS/MS track are unsuccessful in a course, they may be afforded the opportunity to complete the M.S. degree in a maximum of five years.


Approved by Faculty Assembly on September 15, 2014.

Reviewed 11/23/16

Updated 8/12/20

     Approved Faculty Assembly 8/24/20

Professionalism Policy

Egregious behaviors related to professionalism (e.g., patient complaints based on student care delivery, inappropriate communication with faculty, peers and other professionals, breaches of competence clearly inconsistent with a student's semester or year in the program, etc.) can result in course failure, the lowering of a course letter grade and, in either situation, academic counseling from the Division Director and/or the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

Reviewed 11/23/16

Readmission to the Dental Hygiene Program Policy

Subsequent to dismissal or withdrawal for academic deficiencies, readmission may be sought through reapplication to the Dental Hygiene Program. In order to initiate the readmissions process, the former student shall submit a letter to the Office of Admissions and Career Advancement, requesting readmission to the Dental Hygiene Program, with supporting documents, (i.e., current application, etc.) indicating the reasons why he/she should be reconsidered. Students dismissed for violations of the Professional Code of Conduct are ineligible for readmission.

Once the letter of application has been processed by the Office of Admission and Career Advancement, the Committee on Dental Hygiene Recruitment and Admissions will consider the student for readmission. The process of reconsideration will or may include a careful review of the student’s academic record, a study of the reasons for readmission, an assessment of the student’s potential for academic progress in the future, and consultation with the appropriate departments, the progression committee, and administrative and non-administrative faculty members within the Dental School. Recommendations relative to the readmission will be referred to the Committee on Dental Hygiene Recruitment and Admissions in conjunction with the Office of Admissions and Career Advancement for final decision and notification, including conditions for readmission, where appropriate. Decisions resulting from due process of this policy are not subject to appeal.

Reviewed 11/23/2016

Registration Policy

Students must register for coursework each semester in order to maintain degree candidacy. The Dental School Office of Academic Affairs distributes specific information about registration prior to registration dates.

Those students who advance register and subsequently decide not to attend must notify both the Dental Hygiene Program and the Office of Academic Affairs prior to the first day of classes.

If the Office of Academic Affairs has not been notified by 4:30 p.m. of the last day before classes begin, it is assumed that the student plans to attend and the student assumes financial obligations for that semester.

Students may advance-register on-line through the Student UseR Friendly System (SURFS). After classes begin, students who wish to add/drop or withdraw must follow the university procedures and should contact the Dental Hygiene Office to initiate the process. Students who are registered for classes at other USM campuses must also follow the add/drop and withdrawal procedures at those campuses.

Students will be exempt from campus-sponsored health insurance if they present proof of comparable coverage to the Office of Student and Employee Health once each year. If such proof is not received by the Office of Student and Employee Health, the student will be required to pay for the student policy.

Students who take courses at other USM campuses while enrolled in the Dental Hygiene Program must register at both UMB and the other campus. Inter-campus registration forms may be obtained from the Office of Academic Affairs.

All courses taken at other institutions that are to be used toward graduation requirements must be documented via official transcripts submitted to the Office of the Registrar. Each student must assume responsibility for submitting all necessary transcripts.

Reviewed 11/23/2016

Tuition and Fee Payment Policy

UMB’s tuition and fees policy stipulates that all tuition and fees are due and payable on or before the due date stipulated on the bill issued by the Office of Student Accounting. Any student who does not make payment to the Cashier's Office by the due date may be denied class attendance.

Students will not be permitted to register (advance or arena registration) if they have outstanding bills. Students who are not officially registered may not be permitted to attend any classes or clinics.