Catalog 2022-2023

Graduate Programs

Graduate Programs General Information

Graduate programs leading to the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Master of Science (MS) degrees are offered as follows:


  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Oral and Experimental Pathology (MS: PhD)




Special admissions requirements are noted for each graduate program. Persons who meet these requirements may apply for admission to the Graduate School through an online application form at the University of Maryland, Graduate School website.

Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Sciences

School of Dentistry faculty and programs are affiliated with the Graduate School at the University of Maryland.

Applicants seeking admission to the PhD program(s) should consult the dental school website for more information and to apply on-line.

The Doctor of Philosophy degree offered through this program is designed for dental professionals who wish to develop careers in science. The doctoral program includes directed coursework, seminars and research experiences. Scholarly activities within the program prepare students to become independent research investigators and competent teachers.

Length of Program

Four to Five Years

Special Requirements

DDS, DMD, or equivalent degree

More information can be found at

Doctor of Philosophy in Experimental Pathology

School of Dentistry faculty and programs are affiliated with the Graduate School at the University of Maryland.

Applicants seeking admission to the PhD program(s) should consult the dental school website for more information and to apply on-line.


  • To prepare individuals for an academic career in the discipline of clinical and experimental oral pathology.
  • To fulfill educational requirements for specialty certification by the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology.

Scope of Training

In this unique program, which is one of only 14 nationally accredited programs, students receive experience and training in surgical oral pathology, clinical oral pathology, and the basic sciences. An extensive series of lectures, seminars, and case conferences are conducted to provide a comprehensive curriculum that meets the requirements both for American Board certification and the confirmation of a graduate degree from the University of Maryland Graduate School. A faculty advisor is assigned to guide each candidate through the didactic curriculum and research thesis. Research interests of the faculty include cancer biology, cancer immunology, connective tissue, bone, stress proteins, retroviruses, microbiology and epidemiology of oral disease.

Site of Training

Most clinical training is conducted within the Department of Oncology and Diagnostic Sciences of the University of Maryland, School of Dentistry. Didactic courses are taken in various schools on the University of Maryland campus. Electives and special courses may also be taken at the University of Maryland College Park campus or at The Johns Hopkins University. All of the above sites, as well as the National Institutes of Health and the National Library may serve as resources for the development and completion of the research thesis.

Number of Positions

No limit

Length of Program

PhD, four years to five years

Special Requirements

  • DDS, DMD, or equivalent degree
  • Students must have acceptable scholastic achievement at the pre-doctoral level
  • Admission through the Dental School
  • Professional experience
  • Personal interview may apply

Combined Doctor of Dental Surgery and Doctor of Philosophy (DDS/PhD)

School of Dentistry faculty and programs are affiliated with the Graduate School at the University of Maryland.


Applicants seeking admission to the PhD program(s) should consult the dental school website for more information and to apply on-line.


To meet the strong demand in the oral health arena in Dental Education, the DDS/PhD program prepares outstanding clinical and basic biomedical scientists who are thoroughly versed in the science underlying clinical practice and capable of identifying and addressing significant problems in oral health. Students complete the dental program’s predoctoral requirements with the addition of graduate level basic science research training, progressing through doctoral degree candidacy and doctoral dissertation. Upon completion of all dental predoctoral and graduate requirements, students receive the DDS and PhD degrees simultaneously.

Length of Program

Seven years


In years one and two, DDS/PhD students complete the dental program’s preclinical requirements with the addition of graduate level basic science courses, weekly research seminars, biostatistics and optional laboratory rotations. In years three to five, students complete elective graduate coursework tailored to a selected research area, progressing through doctoral degree candidacy and doctoral dissertation. The student’s dental preclinical skills are reassessed in the spring semester of year five, followed by appropriate training before the return to the dental program in years six and seven.

Academic Advisers

Upon admission, a student is assigned to a program oversight committee co-directed by a clinical mentor and a basic science mentor. The student meets regularly with their mentor for guidance and evaluation throughout the program.

Admissions Requirements

  • Applicants must be first admitted to the DDS program at the University of Maryland, School of Dentistry.
  • After admission to the dental program, the student should send a letter of interest in the combined DDS/PhD program to Dr. Man-Kyo Chung, Assistant Dean of Research and Graduate Studies @ 
  • Students may enter the combined program during the second year, or before beginning the third year of the dental program.

Financial Assistance

Students are encouraged to apply for individual DDS/PhD fellowships from the National Institutes of Health. In addition, short-term NIH dental student training grants are available for research conducted the summer before entering School of Dentistry.

Combined Doctor of Dental Surgery and Master’s Degree (DDS/MPH, DDS/MSCR)

The objective of the combined DDSCOHRT program is to graduate outstanding individuals with a combination of excellence in clinical skills and training in clinical research or public health to prepare them for an academic career in dentistry. Graduates of this program will understand the scientific principles that form the basis of clinical practice, will be able to identify significant problems in oral health and will have the requisite tools to develop testable hypotheses that address these problems.

Length of Program

Five years


UMB Master’s program courses (either MPH or MSCR) are substituted for DDS program courses as appropriate to fulfill didactic requirements of both programs (DDS and Master’s) during the third year. Development of a research project with a mentor occurs during the summer prior to the DDS junior year. Additional coursework and the research project or practicum or capstone experience comprise the fourth program year to complete the Master’s degree requirements. Elective credits (3) from the DDS curriculum during the fifth program year (DDS senior year) are available for students completing their research and are used towards time to prepare and submit research results.

Research topics follow the dental school’s research themes: pain and neuroscience; microbiology and infectious diseases; cell and molecular biology; epidemiology and community health, and selected discipline specific clinical topics.

Academic Advisors

Advisement of trainees is an integral part of the combined DDS-Master’s programs, with two advisors assigned: one from the student’s primary school (the School of Dentistry) and one from the Master’s program faculty. Advisement begins with the application process. Once a track and research field are selected by the student, an appropriate mentor(s) team will be assembled. The Master’s program directors meet with the mentors to set educational goals for the trainee, individualized according to the specific project.

Admission and Application Procedures

  • Applicants must be first admitted to the DDS program at the University of Maryland, School of Dentistry. 
  • After admission to the dental program, the student should send a letter of interest in the combined DDS/MSCR program to Dr. Thomas Oates, Professor and Chair, Department of Advanced Oral Sciences and Therapeutics or in the combined DDS/MPH program to Dr. Mark Macek @ 

Master of Science (MS)

(For Students Pursuing a Postgraduate Certificate)

The Master of Science program is designed for dentists who wish to pursue a master’s degree combining graduate education with a postgraduate certificate program (endodontics, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, periodontics, prosthodontics, or advanced education in general dentistry). The program provides an interdisciplinary graduate foundation in the biological and clinical sciences to prepare for careers in dental research, dental education, the practice of dentistry or a dental specialty. 

Three years 


An option to study for the PhD degree in combination with specialty training may be arranged for highly motivated individuals. 


Curriculum MS with Thesis


Required courses study includes completion of a thesis research project, which is a requirement of the program. Students have the opportunity to select research advisors from several disciplines and research topics from many basic and clinical sciences.  


Students are required to have a minimum of 30 semester hours in courses acceptable for credit toward a graduate degree, as follows: 


Courses                                                              Credits  


DBMS 605- Scientific Writing                                     1

DBMS 638 - Biostatistics (or equivalent)                     3 

DBMS 799 -Thesis research                                      6 



DBMS 608 Intro to BMS Research                              1


Additional credits (19) in courses approved by postgraduate program director, see Graduate Scool website for available courses d.p_disp_dyn_sched   


Total                                                                    30  


All students must maintain a 3.0 (B) or better academic average. Each student will be required to write a thesis based on the master’s research and to defend it orally. 


MS Non Thesis Option

The requirements for the Master of Science degree are identical to those for the thesis program including the course work.  However, a passing grade on a written comprehensive examination is also required. 


Academic Advisors  


Students enrolled in the Master of Science program will have their respective specialty program director as their academic advisor. 


Admission Requirements    

  • Applicants must be concurrently enrolled in a dental specialty program at the School of Dentistry and the University of Maryland Graduate School.  
  • Once admitted residents will receive online application information at Orientation.


NOTE: How to apply for Specialty program: Applications for the specialty certificate programs may be obtained by contacting the Office of Admissions and Career Advancement, University of Maryland

School of Dentistry, 650 W. Baltimore St., Baltimore, MD 21201


Additional information about graduate studies at the University of Maryland is available by visiting the Graduate School website.