Catalog 2023-2024

UMB Policy Concerning Prevention and Management of Student and Employee Infection with Bloodborne Pathogens

The School of Dentistry fully subscribes to the University of Maryland Policy Concerning Prevention and Management of Student and Employee Infection with Bloodborne Pathogens  (, which became effective July 1, 1994. All enrolled students receive a copy of this policy statement as part of their matriculation documents. Individuals seriously considering applying to any of the School of Dentistry’s programs should request a copy of the policy from the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs or should view the policy on the web by clicking the policy name above.

Doctor of Dental Surgery and Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene Applicants

Although students are strongly encouraged to complete the three-shot Hepatitis B immunization series before matriculation, entering students who have not been appropriately immunized against HBV will receive their first vaccination during Dental School orientation through Student and Employee Health. The second and third vaccinations will occur at one- and six-month intervals, respectively. Students may not participate in clinical or other activities in which they may be placed at occupational risk until at least one month after the second in the series of HBV immunizations. Failure to complete the series in a timely manner could result in delayed progress through the curriculum or dismissal from enrollment.