Catalog 2022-2023

Academic Due Process

Advanced Dental Education (ADE) Programs

Dental School, University of Maryland, Baltimore

All matters of professional ethics and conduct that involve ADE students will be referred to the Judicial Board of the Dental School for adjudication. The ethical and conduct standards for student enrolled in ADE programs are identical to the standards of conduct for students enrolled in the pre-doctoral and dental hygiene programs. Judicial Board matters are not governed by the policy contained in this document. An Advanced Dental Education student who believes he or she has been harassed on the basis of his/her sex shall be referred to the UMB Policy on Sexual Harassment of Students, VI-1.20(B).

I. Academic Standards

  1. Students in ADE Programs are expected to maintain high levels of academic success. Academic dismissal from an ADE Program can result from failure to achieve a Program’s requirements or failure to meet minimal levels of academic achievement as they are defined in the Catalog of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. Clinical competence in all areas of patient management and treatment constitutes a vital sector of academic achievement. A student must maintain a B (3.0) or better overall average to remain in good standing. If the student’s performance falls below this level of performance he/she will be placed on academic probation during the following semester. In the event that the student’s overall average remains below a 3.0 at the end of the semester of probation, he/she will be dismissed from the Program. All failing and incomplete grades must be rectified before a certificate is conferred.
  2. Faculty will provide feedback to students in all matters related to didactic and clinical performance. This feedback can be oral or written, but must be in writing, at appropriate intervals, as determined by each Program's accreditation standards noted under "Evaluation." Program directors will ensure that each ADE student receives a copy of the Program’s Accreditation Standards as part of the program orientation for new residents.

II. Unsatisfactory Performance

  1. Unsatisfactory performance in knowledge, skills, clinical competence and/or patient management may be documented in several ways, and corrective actions or sanctions can range from oral or written counseling to dismissal from the Program. The process for such actions is as follows:
    1. Initial notification of a deficiency/problem can be addressed orally by the program director or the faculty identifying the problem. After so doing, a dated notation will be placed in the student's file by the program director.
    2. Should the problem continue, or new problems develop, the student will be sent a letter or counseling form by the program director, identifying the deficiency/deficiencies and required actions to be taken by the student to correct the deficiency/deficiencies. A time period for correcting the deficiency/deficiencies will be specified. A copy of the counseling form will be kept in the program or course director's file, and a copy will be sent to the Assistant Dean for Research and Graduate Studies. The student should acknowledge receipt of the letter or counseling form by signing the original and returning it to the program director. The letter or counseling form will be placed in the student's file. The student should keep the copy for future reference.
    3. Should student performance still not improve, the program director, or program’s designate acting in (his/her)stead, will notify the student in writing that he/she will be placed on academic probation. Actions required of the student and a time line (not exceeding those of academic probation noted above) to correct the deficiency/deficiencies will be detailed in the letter. The student must sign the letter, keep a copy for his/her files and return the original letter to the program director, who will place the letter in the student's file. Copies will be sent to the department chair and the Assistant Dean for Research and Graduate Studies.
    4. If the student fails to rectify the deficiency/deficiencies in the time specified, the program director, in consultation with the program faculty, will recommend dismissal from the program to the department chair, the Assistant Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, and the Advanced Dental Graduate Education (ADGE) Committee. The ADGE Committee will review the recommendation for dismissal.

III. Review

  1. The student will be given the opportunity to be heard by the ADGE Committee on the recommendation for dismissal by offering his/her own statements, and, if appropriate, testimony of witnesses and presentation of evidence. The ADGE Committee may choose to call for further testimony and documents. Hearsay evidence is admissible only if corroborated. Any irrelevant or unduly repetitive evidence will be excluded. If the student fails to appear for his/her hearing without good cause, he/she will be deemed to have waived his/her right to meet with the ADGE Committee.
  2. Following its review and any subsequent meetings, the ADGE Committee will conduct its deliberation and make a decision on the basis of a majority vote. If the ADGE Committee determines that the student should be dismissed, the recommendation will be forwarded to the Dental School’s Faculty Council for action. In the case of dismissal decisions, the Assistant Dean for Research and Graduate Studies will notify the student in writing that s/he has been dismissed from the Program.
  3. The Assistant Dean for Research and Graduate Studies shall maintain the documentary evidence from the hearing for at least 4 years from the date of the hearing. The student may obtain a copy of the record upon paying the cost of reproduction.

IV. Appeals Process

  1. In the event that the student elects to appeal the dismissal decision, the student may not take part in any academic or clinical activities of the program until and unless action on the appeal reverses the decision for dismissal.
  2. If the student disputes the dismissal, he/she may contact the Program Director within five business days of notification of dismissal for informal discussion. Should the student remain dissatisfied, the student may file a formal appeal.
  3. A student wishing to file a formal appeal of a dismissal decision must initiate the appeal process regarding dismissal from the Program within 10 business days of receiving the written notification. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the Assistant Dean for Research and Graduate Studies. The written appeal must include: the decision the student is appealing; the specific ground for the appeal (only newly discovered evidence or lack of due process); and the academic status that the student is requesting. The student may present and prioritize more than one alternative to dismissal from the Program.
  4. The Assistant Dean for Research and Graduate Studies will review the appeal and designate a three person Appeals Panel. Faculty who have been substantially involved in this or any other decision or actions against the student prior to dismissal are excluded from the Panel. Where possible and practical, the Panel will consist of three members of the full-time faculty. The Assistant Dean for Research and Graduate Studies will appoint one of these three as Chairperson of the Appeals Panel.
  5. The Chairperson will then schedule a meeting with the members of the Panel within 5 business days when possible or practical. The Panel will determine whether the student's written appeal meets the criteria outlined in C. and report their decision in writing to the Assistant Dean for Research and Graduate Studies. Should the Panel determine that an appeal lacks the required evidence, the appeal will be denied. In these circumstances, there is no further appeal.
  6. If the Panel determines that newly discovered information, not originally considered by the ADGE Committee does exist, then the matter should be referred back to the ADGE Committee for reconsideration.
  7. If the Panel determines that there was a failure of due process, an appeal on the record will be heard. The decision of this Panel will be final. The student and the Assistant Dean for Research and Graduate Studies will be notified of the decision in writing.

Approved by Dental School Faculty Council: April 8, 2003

Approved by University Counsel: June 19, 2003

Approved by Dean: June 30, 2003