- To provide a historical perspective of prosthodontics in a manner that will permit and encourage the student to make objective evaluations.
- To provide a comprehensive background of those biologic and allied sciences relevant to diagnosis, planning, and treatment of routine and complex prosthodontic problems.
- To provide clinical treatment experiences in the various aspects of prosthodontics with emphasis upon attainment of skills and judgment in treating complex patients.
- To prepare the candidate for examination by the American Board of Prosthodontics.
- To prepare the candidate for teaching at predoctoral or postgraduate levels.
Scope of Training
Students are trained to manage and treat complex prosthodontic patients, to include implants-surgical and restorative, maxillofacial, fixed, and removable cases. Lectures, seminars and conferences are held in basic biologic sciences and allied dental sciences related to prosthodontics. Postgraduate students gain experience in teaching as they provide clinical instruction to predoctoral dental students. Training in research methodology is an integral part of the program and culminates as each candidate conducts and presents a research project. A Master of Science degree is available and encouraged.
Site of Training
Major site of training is the dental school.
Number of Positions
Length of Program
Three years (36 months)
Special Admission Guidelines
- Students must have acceptable scholastic achievement at the predoctoral level.
- Clinical experience is preferred.
- A personal interview is required.
- References are required.
Length of Program
Three years (36 months)