Catalog 2022-2023

Transfer Students


In order to be eligible for consideration for transfer, applicants must be currently enrolled in a U.S. or Canadian dental school, and in good academic and professional standing. First consideration will be given to applicants whose personal circumstances compel them to transfer.

Application Process

Application for admission with advanced standing should be requested from the Office of Admissions. Completed applications should be returned no later than March 1st, along with the following:

  • A detailed letter describing the reason for the transfer request
  • The $350 application fee (payable to the University of Maryland School of Dentistry)
  • A letter from the Dean of the dental school, verifying that the student is currently enrolled and is in good academic and professional standing
  • Official undergraduate transcript
  • DAT score report
  • Official dental school transcript
  • National Boards Part I score report
  • Syllabi for dental courses already taken

Preliminary Review

After required materials have been submitted, faculty members and the Committee on Dental Recruitment and Admissions will review the documents and determine if a personal interview is warranted. Only candidates being seriously considered will be asked to interview.

Review by Departments

If the candidate is recommended by the Committee on Dental Recruitment and Admissions, the candidate’s course syllabi will be forwarded to the Dental School Department Chairs (or their designees) who will review them and, if necessary, communicate directly with candidates for further clarification. The Department chairs/designees then provide the Office of Academic Affairs with their recommendations regarding placement within the curriculum.

Admissions and Placement Decisions

The Committee on Dental Recruitment and Admissions makes the final decision regarding admission. The Progression Committee develops specific recommendations regarding placement or modification to the students’ curriculum or course requirements to accommodate individual strengths and weaknesses. The Assistant Dean of Admissions and Recruitment notifies applicants of admission decisions and, if indicated, placement decisions. Space must be available within the projected class in order for an offer of admission to be extended.