Catalog 2022-2023

Grading System Policy

The following numerical range for standardized grades is used in the evaluation of student performance.

A 90-100

B 80-89

C 70-79

F Below 70

A - Excellent: This grade signifies performance of the highest quality or exceptional achievement. It is recommended that this grade be awarded to those students with the highest degree of talent, skills, and knowledge, compared with the expected performance of students at that particular stage of development and training.

B - Good: This grade should be recorded for students who have demonstrated knowledge, talent, or skills significantly above the acceptable level, compared with the expected performance of students at that particular stage of development and training.

C - Satisfactory: This grade should be recorded for students who have demonstrated knowledge, talent, or skills at an acceptable level, compared with the expected performance of students at that particular stage of development and training.

E - Conditional Failure: This grade is used as a progress grade or as a temporary final grade to indicate that a student, who otherwise is progressing satisfactorily in a course, has failed to master limited segments of a course or some clinical procedures, but may achieve a satisfactory level of proficiency within a short time if allowed to do so based on overall academic performance. When the E grade is used as a temporary final grade, it counts in the grade point average calculation. If successful remediation occurs, the student will receive the final grade earned in the course, shown on the permanent record along with the original E. An unresolved grade of E will result in a permanent grade of F.

F - Failure: Students who receive this grade exhibited unsatisfactory performance. This grade indicates that they have not achieved an acceptable level in skills and knowledge. As a result, they are not considered ready to advance to more complex work or to perform independently. When the failure has been absolved, the F grade will remain on the student's permanent record, but only the new grade will be used in computing the grade point average.

H - Honors: Elective clerkship courses are graded as honors when the student demonstrates excellence and advanced knowledge, skills and attitudes that exceed dental curriculum requirements in the dental specialty or practice area.

I - Incomplete: A student whose work in completed assignments is of acceptable quality but who, because of circumstances beyond the student's control (such as illness or disability), has been unable to complete course requirements, will receive a grade of Incomplete. When all requirements have been satisfied, the student will receive the final grade earned in the course. Except under extraordinary circumstances, an Incomplete may not be carried into the next academic year.

P - Pass: This grade signifies acceptable performance and satisfactory completion of course requirements.

W - Withdraw: This grade indicates withdrawal during the first half of the course.

WP - Withdraw Pass or WF - Withdraw Fail: This grade denotes student performance to date when withdrawal occurs after the first half of the course.

Scholastic averages are computed on the basis of credits assigned to each course and the following numerical values for grades: A-4, B-3, C-2, E-0, F-0. The grade point average is the sum of the products of course credits and grade values, divided by the total number of course credits in that year of the curriculum.

Reviewed: August 1, 2016