Catalog 2022-2023

Explanation of Fees

Campus fees are used to fund activities sponsored by the University Student Government Association, support the cost of the shuttle system, which transports students to local neighborhoods, meet the costs for various student activities, student publications, and cultural programs within the School of Dentistry, and for the expansion of various campus facilities that are not funded or are funded only in part from other sources.

The application and/or matriculation fee partially defrays the cost of processing applications for admission and enrollment data in the professional schools. These are not refundable. The application fee is applied against the matriculation fee for accepted students.

Association membership fees cover yearly membership in student professional organizations - American Student Dental Association (ASDA- dental) or Student American Dental Hygienists’ Association (SADHA -dental hygiene).

The Central Materials Service fee covers the rental of instrument cassettes, enhancement items, and other instruments used to practice dentistry. The hand piece lease covers the rental of electric hand pieces and piezo scalers.

The board fee covers the cost of materials used for required competency examinations to prepare students for regional board examinations.

The dental equipment purchase fee covers preclinical laboratory charges for expendable supplies, materials and equipment.

The laundry service charge covers the rental and laundering fee for laboratory coats.

The laptop, notebook, and technology fees cover costs for required computer, software, and technology services and support.

Student liability (malpractice) insurance is charged to all dental, dental hygiene, and advanced dental education students as a condition for enrollment. Information regarding professional coverage for students is available through the School of Dentistry’s Office of Clinical Affairs.

Hospitalization insurance is required for all full-time students. A brief outline of the student hospitalization insurance program is furnished to each student. Students with equivalent insurance coverage must provide proof of such coverage at the time of registration and obtain a hospitalization insurance waiver each fall semester.

Disability insurance is required of all dental and dental hygiene students.

The graduation fee is charged to help defray costs involved with graduation and commencement.

Fees for auditors are the same as those charged for courses taken for credit at both the predoctoral and graduate level. Audited credit hours will be added to a student’s total credit enrollment to determine whether a student is full- or part-time for tuition and fee assessment purposes.

Special students are assessed tuition and fees in accordance with the schedule for the comparable predoctoral, graduate, or first professional classification.

A service charge of $25 is assessed for dishonored checks and is payable for each check that is returned unpaid by the drawee’s bank on initial presentation because of insufficient funds, payment stopped, postdating or drawn against uncollected items.

A late registration fee is charged to defray the cost of the special handling involved for those who do not complete their registration on the prescribed days.

The university reserves the right to make such changes in fees and other charges as may be necessary.