Catalog 2022-2023

Communication Guidelines

Faculty Office Hours

All faculty in the Division of Dental Hygiene are available to meet with students. However, for the convenience of both students and faculty, students are encouraged to arrange appointments with faculty directly, either electronically or in person. Course syllabi typically list faculty office hours.

Guidelines for Class/SADHA Officers and Faculty Advisors

General Guidelines

  1. Meetings: Student officers should schedule meetings when advisors are available to attend; check advisor availability before posting meeting dates.
  2. Students are responsible for scheduling meeting rooms.
  3. Meetings should be scheduled ahead of time for the entire semester when possible.
  4. Once the meeting schedule is established, dates must be provided to the DHYG Division Executive Administrative Assistant.
  5. Minutes of meeting should be kept with copies sent to the Faculty Advisor and DHYG Division Director.

Fundraising Guidelines

All fundraising activities must be approved by the Advisor and the Program Director. Students must then get approval from the Office of Academic and Student Affairs.

Activities Guidelines

  1. Students engage in a number of extra-curricular activities such as volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House, the Special Olympics, and school, community or church functions. The Advisor and DHYG Program Director must approve all such activities associated with student organizations.
  2. Prior to planning any student social activities held within the School of Dentistry, Class and/or SADHA officers must confirm that faculty coverage for the event is available. The Office of Academic and Student Affairs also must be apprised of such activities.

Administrative Channels of Communication

The normal route for concerns involving clinic matters:

Faculty member involved, Student Advisor, Clinic Director (Jr. or Sr.), Program Director, Department Chair /Director, Dean of Student Affairs, Dean of Academic Affairs, School of Dentistry Dean

The normal route for concerns involving academic matters:

Faculty member involved, Course Director, Program Director, Department Chair/Director, Dean of Student Affairs, Dean of Academic Affairs, School of Dentistry Dean

Address and Name Changes

Changes in name, address, and telephone number must be submitted by students to:

  1. Dental Hygiene Program Director, Room 1203, School of Dentistry.
  2. The Office of Academic Affairs, Dean's Office, School of Dentistry, and the Registrar Office, 601 W. Lombard Street, Suite 240, Baltimore, MD 21201 or through the Student User Friendly System (SURFS) located on the University of Maryland, Baltimore website.

Revised 07/28/18