Catalog 2022-2023

Constitution and By-Laws of Dental Hygiene Student Organizations

We, the dental hygiene students, do hereby establish this as the Constitution and By-Laws of the University of Maryland Baltimore, Student American Dental Hygienists' Association.

Article I - Name and Description

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the University of Maryland Baltimore, Student American Dental Hygienists' Association, hereafter referred to as SADHA.

Section 2. It shall be defined as a governing, educational and social organization comprised of students enrolled in the University of Maryland School of Dentistry Dental Hygiene programs.

Article II - Purposes of SADHA

Section 1. To serve as a means of communication among students, dental hygiene faculty, administration, others in the dental school, and other dental/dental hygiene schools.

Section 2. To provide a liaison to the American Dental Hygienists' Association and act as the initial introduction to membership in the national professional organization following graduation.

Article III - Supremacy Clause

The Constitution and By-Laws of the American Dental Hygienists' Association shall be the supreme law of this Society and it shall be bound thereby. This supremacy clause provides that when the Constitution and By-Laws of the American Dental Hygienists' Association is in conflict with any constituent society, the former shall prevail.

Article IV - Membership and Dues

Section 1. All Dental Hygiene students and Degree-Completion students enrolled in the University of Maryland Baltimore, School of Dentistry, Dental Hygiene programs are eligible for membership.

Section 2. Membership is mandatory as a representation of professional commitment and responsibility.

Section 3. The importance of association membership is incorporated into the curriculum.

Section 4. Membership fees are added to tuition costs.

Section 5. All checks drafted from SADHA account will be signed by the SADHA Treasurer and approved by the Faculty Advisor.

Section 6. Use of SADHA funds is limited to SADHA activities which are approved and sanctioned by the membership and the Faculty Advisor.

Article V - Officers of SADHA

Section 1. The officers shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. A member of the dental hygiene faculty shall serve as Advisor.

Section 2. Election of Officers

Subsection A. Senior officers shall be elected at the April meeting.

Elected officers shall be in good standing.

Subsection B. Junior officers shall be elected at a meeting early in the fall semester meeting. Elected officers shall be in good standing.

Subsection C. Election of officers is by simple majority vote.

Section 3. The officers shall act on behalf of the general membership based on the powers and duties vested by this Constitution and By-Laws.

Section 4. Duties and Responsibilities of Officers

Subsection A. President – senior

The President's powers and duties shall be to:

  1. conduct executive and business meetings
  2. serve as head of the organization
  3. serve as Chair of the executive committee
  4. serve as representative at SDA executive meetings
  5. send a welcoming and informational newsletter to incoming juniors
  6. organize and post an agenda for business meetings
  7. announce ADHA news items
  8. initiate committee assignments and appoint members of all SADHA committees
  9. coordinate with class officers the election of representatives to all Standing Committees of the Faculty.
  10. attend local and national dental hygiene meetings when possible
  11. regularly consult with the assigned faculty advisor and submit an annual report of the activities of the office to the faculty advisor

Subsection B. Vice-President – junior

The Vice-President's powers and duties shall be to:

  1. act as liaison representative to ADHA and MDHA, attending MDHA executive board meetings when possible
  2. assist the President, as needed 
  3. conduct meetings in the absence of the President
  4. delegate the responsibility of arranging a photographer and representative for the Mirror in the event the office of Historian is unfilled
  5. submit SADHA activities and dates to the campus newspaper
  6. serve as co-Chair, with the Treasurer, of the budget and fundraising committee
  7. consult as needed with the assigned faculty advisor, and
  8. submit an annual report of the activities of the office to the faculty advisor

Subsection C. Treasurer - senior

The Treasurer's powers and duties shall be to:

  1. keep accurate records of organization's financial status
  2. keep accurate records of all SADHA membership dues
  3. delegate responsibilities to the treasurer-elect
  4. serve as co-Chair with the Vice-President of the budget and fundraising committee
  5. consult as needed with the assigned faculty advisor, and
  6. submit an annual report of the activities of the office to the faculty advisor.

Subsection D. Secretary – junior

The Secretary's powers and duties shall be to:

  1. keep accurate minutes of each executive and business meeting
  2. post a copy of each business meeting's minutes on SADHA BlackBoard org site
  3. keep accurate roster of members' attendance
  4. assist other committees in publicizing SADHA fundraisers and events
  5. carry on official correspondence as necessary
  6. address internal correspondence, as needed
  7. consult with assigned faculty advisor as needed, and submit an annual report of the activities of the office to the advisor

Subsection E. Historian-junior

The Historian's powers and duties shall be to:

  1. attend social functions (e.g. the Spring Banquet) and take photographs (must supply own camera)
  2. keep a scrapbook of the year, mementos, candid photos, events
  3. arrange a photographer for the Mirror
  4. serve as a representative to the Mirror
  5. consult as needed with the assigned faculty advisor, and submit an annual report of the activities of the office to the advisor

Subsection F. USGA Senators - one junior, one senior

The duties of the USGA Senators shall be to:

  1. attend the USGA meetings representing the dental hygiene program
  2. submit a written report to SADHA President prior to next scheduled business meeting
  3. senior senator to be elected at the April meeting; junior senator to be elected at the subsequent October meeting
  4. in the event that either of these positions are unfilled, the duty of attending USGA meetings shall fall to the class vice-presidents
  5. consult as needed with the assigned faculty advisor and submit an annual report of the activities of the office to the advisor

Article VI - Class Officers

Section 1. The officers shall consist of a President, Vice-Present and Secretary, Treasurer, Social Chairs (2), Historian, SDA representative, Perryville representative, and Eastern Shore representative for each class

Section 2. Election of Officers

Subsection A. Rising senior class officers shall be elected at the April class meeting

Subsection B. Junior class officers shall be elected by October 1st. Elections shall be arranged by the junior class in consultation with the senior class president.

Section 3. The officers shall act on behalf of the class membership based on the powers and duties vested by this Constitution and By-Laws.

Subsection A. Duties of the senior class President shall be to:

  1. conduct individual class meetings
  2. representative to the Student Affairs' committee
  3. liaison for the class to SADHA by attending executive meetings
  4. liaison for the class to the faculty and the dean
  5. in the event the office of USGA senator remains unfilled, attend all USGA meetings
  6. serve on the Faculty-Alumni Liaison committee
  7. assist in coordinating the election of the junior class officers
  8. attend annual Faculty Assembly meeting

Subsection B. Duties of the senior class Vice-President shall be to:

  1. to serve as President at meetings of the class or other class functions in the absence of the class President
  2. to serve as moderator of class fundraising activities
  3. to carry out such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President

Subsection C. Duties of the senior class Secretary shall be to:

  1. record notes from each meeting (minutes)
  2. post minutes on BlackBoard
  3. to carry out such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President

Subsection D. Duties of the senior class Treasurer shall be to:

  1. handle all class financial records and collect dues
  2. alternate representative to the Student Affairs' committee
  3. representative to the Judicial Board, attending judicial meetings as needed
  4. to carry out such other duties as may be assigned by the class President

Subsection E. Duties of the junior class President shall be to:

  1. conduct individual class meetings
  2. representative to the Student Affairs' committee
  3. act as liaison for the class to SADHA by attending executive meetings
  4. in the event that the office of USGA Senator remains unfilled, attend all USGA meetings
  5. attend annual Faculty Assembly meeting

Subsection F. Duties of the junior class Vice-President shall be to:

  1. to serve as President at meetings of the class or other class functions in the absence of the Class President
  2. to serve as moderator of class fund raising activities
  3. to carry out such other duties as may be assigned by the President

Subsection G. Duties of the junior class Secretary shall be to:

  1. record notes from each meeting (minutes)
  2. post minutes on BlackBoard
  3. to carry out such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President

Subsection H. Duties of the junior class Treasurer shall be to:

  1. handle all class financial records and collect dues
  2. alternate representative to the Student Affairs committee
  3. to carry out such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President

Article VII – Meetings

Section 1. Executive Meetings

  1. Meetings are held at the discretion of the President and are attended by the following: the executive committee, class officers and the faculty advisor.
  2. Request for funds for any dental hygiene activity must first be submitted to the executive committee for consideration and then may be presented to a general meeting for final approval.

Section 2. Business Meetings

  1. Meetings are held once a month and are open to SADHA members, faculty and guests.
  2. Pertinent business topics and committee reports are presented to the general membership for consideration, discussion and vote, if applicable.
  3. Business meetings are to be planned and hosted by a minimum of two senior students who shall arrange refreshments and the guest speaker.
  4. The guest speaker may be selected with regard to any topic the hostesses feel may interest the general membership, subject to the faculty advisor's approval.
  5. Any student may place an item on the agenda by contacting the President at least one day prior to the meeting.
  6. Any items not on the agenda shall be addressed at the end of the meeting, time allowing.
  7. Generally, the business meeting will not extend beyond forty-five minutes; the guest speaker's presentation beyond forty-five minutes.

Section 3. Committee Meetings

  1. Meetings are to be called by the committee Chair and held on an as needed basis.
  2. Chairs are responsible for submitting a report to the President one week prior to the next SADHA meeting. A report is to be submitted regardless of committee activity.
  3. All committees are to select their own Chairs unless otherwise specified in this constitution.
  4. The term "junior" as used here may apply to any two year or three year junior unless the term "clinical junior" is specified.

Section 4. Class Meetings

  1. Meetings are to be held at the discretion of the class President and the class.

Article VIII - SADHA Committees

Section 1. Executive Committee

  1. Members: SADHA President (Chair), SADHA officers, Class officers, a faculty advisor and all other committee Chairs
  2. Duties: administration of SADHA, review of issues to be placed on business meeting agenda

Section 2. Budget and Fund-Raising Committee

  1. Members: SADHA Vice-President and Treasurer (co-Chair), at least two juniors and two seniors
  2. Duties: shall be responsible for the initiation, organization and carrying out of all fundraising activities

Section 3. Social Committee

  1. Members: shall consist of at least two juniors and two seniors; a senior shall serve as chairperson
  2. Duties: shall be responsible for the initiation, planning and carrying-out of various SADHA social activities.

Section 4. Constitution and By-Laws Committee

  1. Members: at least one junior and one senior
  2. Duties: to review the constitution annually to ensure its currency and pertinence, and to write any revisions necessary to be approved by the executive committee

Section 5. Orientation Committee

  1. Members: two rising-seniors (Class President, SADHA President) and senior Social Chairs.
  2. Duties: to initiate, organize and carry out new junior orientations including, but not limited to, big-little siblings, welcome picnic

Section 6. Special Committees

  1. Special committees of SADHA may be created at any time by the Executive Committee for the purpose of performing any duty not otherwise assigned by these By-Laws.

Article IX Dental School Standing Committees of the Faculty Assembly with Dental Hygiene Student Representation

Section 1. Dental Hygiene Recruitment and Admissions Committee

  1. Members: one junior, one senior, and one degree completion student
  2. Duties: participate in student selection decisions and assist the dental hygiene faculty in recruitment efforts

Section 2. Dental Hygiene Curriculum Committee

  1. Members: one junior, one senior, and one degree completion student
  2. Duties: to work with the faculty in reviewing and evaluating and make suggestions for revisions of the academic program.

Approved by Faculty Council on February 12, 1986; Revised, June 16, 2010