Catalog 2022-2023

Course Policies Agreement

Division of Dental Hygiene University of Maryland School of Dentistry

Individuals registering for courses in the dental hygiene program must understand the parameters and constraints of this professional coursework. This course agreement sets forth parameters in an effort to make expectations clear. Please thoroughly read this document and sign and date on the signature page indicating that you have read and understand the student’s responsibility in agreeing to course participation. In addition to the posting of this document on the School of Dentistry website, this agreement is also posted in the Course Information section of each Blackboard course and on the new dental hygiene student orientation Blackboard sites.

Course access: You are responsible for having consistent access to a computer with an Internet connection. This will enable you to access the University of Maryland School of Dentistry homepage in order to view Blackboard (BB). The University of Maryland School of Dentistry requires that all incoming students have their own laptop at the time of matriculation that meets the educational needs specified in the laptop letter from Mr. Kent Buckingham, Executive Director of the Office of Information Technology and Dr. Patricia Meehan, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

Server Maintenance: Access to the Blackboard course will remain relatively constant throughout the duration of the course. Please note that the server that houses UMB’s online courses has varied scheduled maintenance times--the course may be unavailable during this time. Notification of maintenance activities are electronically posted by the campus IT administrators and available to all Blackboard users well in advance of the scheduled dates.

Communication: The primary method for communicating regarding dental hygiene course information should be through the Blackboard course site for the specific DHYG courses, however, when you have an urgent/private issue that needs to be discussed, you may e-mail your course coordinator or schedule an appointment during office hours.

Americans with Disabilities Act Statement: In accepting the offer of admission, University of Maryland School of Dentistry dental hygiene students have read and agree to adhere to the policy entitled ”Technical Standards for 2 Admissions and Matriculation” which was mailed to each student offered admission and which also appears on the School of Dentistry website:

This document details the policies and procedures for students with disabilities at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry.

Academic Dishonesty: Cheating, plagiarism, violating copyright laws and other acts of academic dishonesty are held as serious offenses. Instructors have the responsibility to report any such incident in writing to the Professional Conduct Committee (Judicial Board). Professional Conduct Committee (Judicial Board). Additionally, students have the responsibility to report such incidents to the Professional Conduct Committee. Serious penalties may be imposed which, depending on the nature of the incident, could include loss of course points, failure of the course, permanent expulsion from the class, program or college or other action deemed appropriate by the Professional Conduct Committee.

Each student enrolled in the School of Dentistry has reviewed the Judicial Policy, available electronically on the School of Dentistry website at:

signed and submitted his/her name on the statement specifying agreement to upholding the policy and has been permitted to enroll in courses upon successful completion of the exam. Each examination given in the program contains the Professional Conduct Committee (Judicial Board) policy statement. Each student submitting an examination continues to agree to uphold the policy.

Confidentiality: All student work and grades will be confidential. As with any computer, there is the possibility of an individual hacking into the system and confidential information being obtained. UMB maintains every effort to prevent this from happening. If you have any concerns about computer hacking, contact the School of Dentistry’s Office of Information Technology help desk at 410-706-2084. If you suspect that your personal computer or files have been compromised and/or information stolen or altered, you should contact your course coordinator ASAP to file a formal incident report. It is your responsibility to reproduce any work required for the course.

Ethical Behavior: Students are expected to operate within the ethical boundaries of their chosen profession. All electronic communication with other classmates and the instructor must be conducted without profanity, bias or discrimination. All coursework must be conducted and turned in by the individual registered for the course. All work submitted must be original work.

Online Tests: See the Dental Hygiene Examination Policy located under the Course Information tab of each Blackboard course site.

Time Commitment: Managing professional course work requires a great deal of self-discipline and time-management skills. Though the course coordinators post their syllabus and other selected course materials in the course management system, Blackboard, in-person and live class times are scheduled to take place during a specific day(s) and time(s) of the week. Course time will be scheduled during the course’s designated weekly time unless otherwise directed on the course syllabi. Course work should be completed during or before the course’s weekly designated time (preannounced reading assignments, review of announced course materials, review of prior week’s activities, etc.). In addition, there will be scheduled, proctored exams and other scheduled course events listed in the syllabi.

Technical Support: When a technical problem occurs it the student’s responsibility to contact the help desk at, however you are responsible for your personal laptop. The Office of Information Technology will work to assist you but may be unable fix all issues you may be experiencing. If technical problems prevent a student from being able to submit their assignment electronically, they should send an email to the course director to explain the difficulty ASAP. If students cannot use email, they should call the course director to explain the difficulty. If students reach the course director’s voicemail, they should leave a message explaining the difficulty and a phone contact where they can be reached.

Class Announcements: General announcements or changes to the course will be listed under the Announcements tab of BB for each course. You should use the discussion board for each course to post questions to your classmates and/or the course coordinator as you progress through the material. Specific discussion boards may be designated for student to student use and for student to faculty use.

Course Syllabus & Requirements: It is your responsibility to read and comprehend the content included in each course syllabus and/or manual, and all other course related materials. See individual course syllabi for specific details relating to instructor feedback and grading, communication requirements, exact course credit hours, and for each course’s scheduled weekly day and time meetings and/or due dates.

Link to Academic Information and Dental Hygiene Policies:

Course Policies Agreement for the Division of Dental Hygiene

Division of Dental Hygiene University of Maryland School of Dentistry

I have read this Course Policies Agreement in its entirety, understand and accept this policy and agree to uphold the student’s responsibility in registering and participating in courses that are a part of the dental hygiene program curriculum.

Signed Date
 Print Name  

Revised 11/23/16