Catalog 2022-2023

Face-Mask Policy for UMSOD - September 2021

Face-Mask Policy for the UMSOD

September 10, 2021

  • Everyone must follow the Aug. 6, UMB Policy Requiring Use of Face Coverings which requires face masks to be worn in public indoor settings by all faculty, students, staff, and patients regardless of vaccination status.


  • Unvaccinated students/residents/faculty and staff
    • Beginning Sept. 15, unvaccinated students, faculty and staff must wear a KN95 when required to wear a face covering under the UMB Policy.


  • Vaccinated students/residents/faculty and staff
    • Starting immediately, KN95s are strongly recommended for fully vaccinated students, faculty, and staff when participating in group activities where 6 feet of physical distance cannot be maintained or more than five people are present.
    • Vaccinated individuals must wear KN95s the entire time they are in any of the clinical spaces of the 1st to the 5th floor within the UMSOD.
      • This includes patient waiting rooms, hallways within the clinic, dental labs, clinical and simulation areas.
    • Vaccinated individuals on floors 6 - 9 should wear a KN95 when participating in group activities where 6 feet of physical distance cannot be maintained or more than five people are present.
    • Vaccinated individuals in the lecture halls are strongly encouraged to wear KN95s in the lecture halls.
      • Fully vaccinated lecturers have the option to remove their masks while lecturing as long as 6 feet of physical distance is between them and their audience.



Faculty, staff, and students who are non-compliant will receive warnings, reprimands, or other appropriate discipline. Persons who do not comply with this policy may will be asked to leave the School of Dentistry. Faculty, supervisors, and administrators are responsible for monitoring and encouraging compliance with UMSOD-UMB COVID-19 policies and procedures.