School of Dentistry Space Usage Policy
In accordance with USM and UMB policy, academic activities of the School of Dentistry take priority over all other uses of School facilities. In additional, certain areas within the School of Dentistry because of health and safety reasons are not available to campus or outside groups. These areas are defined as follows:
- The entrance lobby to the School of Dentistry
- All clinical areas including: reception/waiting, laboratory, operatories, recovery rooms, prep dispense, and sterilization (except for outside professional licensing organizations)
- All research and teaching laboratories
Requests from campus groups and outside groups must be submitted to the Office of the Dean. Use of space by an outside group may be subject to payment of a fee in accordance with UMB Policy. (
Requests from campus or outside groups for use of space within the School of Dentistry will be considered and acted on by the Dean or his designee. In addition the Dean or Designee shall use his/her discretion in the assignment of space for campus and outside groups.
Reviewed: August 1, 2016