Catalog 2022-2023

Food and Drink Policy

UMSOD Food and Drink Policy

The School of Dentistry does not permit food or drink at any time in the clinical areas, preclinical and research laboratories, reception spaces, and the following classrooms: G202, G205, G307, G310 and G314. This includes coffee, soda, water, etc.

This policy is designed to adhere to infection control policy, and to protect the upholstery and carpeting from unwanted stains and damage. It also ensures a clean and tidy environment for all who share the spaces.

August 2021 COVID Addendum

Campus policy currently mandates that students and residents who are not vaccinated must maintain 6 feet of physical distancing when removing their mask for the purpose of eating or drinking. Regardless of vaccination status, all students and residents must adhere to the above Food and Drink policy during scheduled lectures. For policies specific to the lunch hour (12:00 to 12:50 p.m.), see “Lunch Time and Special Event Guidelines”.

Lunch Time and Special Event Guidelines

During the lunch break (12-12:50 p.m.), faculty members, student groups, and others may reserve the following rooms for special events that include food and drink. Room requests for special events that include food must be requested and approved by the Office of Academic Affairs through the room reservation form prior to the event.

The ONLY conference rooms or lecture halls that can be used are as follows:

Lecture room G305 (seats 28)

Lecture room G309 (seats 26)

Lecture room G313 (seats 26)

Room 2310 - 2nd floor (seats 14)

Room 6105 - 6th floor (seats 20)

Room 7105 - 7th floor (seats 20)

Room 8105 - 8th floor (seats 24)

Room 9105 - 9th floor (seats 16)

Room 9106 - 9th floor (seats 16)


The School of Dentistry encourages all faculty, staff, and students to adhere to the Food and Drink Policy. Due to time constraints between lectures and meetings, there are times when the School’s cleaning crew will not have access to the rooms. Therefore, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make sure that all trash is removed and placed into the proper trash receptacles and that any moved furniture is placed back to its original location. Failure to adhere to this policy could result in losing privileges to reserve rooms in the future.


Reviewed: August 1, 2016

Updated: August 12, 2021